As believers, life-change should be part of our DNA. Our summer series, Lives of Faith, is an exploration of ancient life-change stories from both the Old and New Testaments. We will trace the contours of transformation in three men and three women as they come to terms with the ways that God initiates, sustains, and accomplishes salvation. While Jesus was and is the only utterly faithful person, the image of his faithfulness can be seen in the lives of both his followers and those who came before him.  As we hear their voices and see God's redemptive power in their stories, we hope to reflect their faith in our own lives. 


Reading Plan

These daily readings will help prepare you for the upcoming teaching you will hear this weekend at Grace Church. These passages will create some context for the sermon by showing you Scriptures the teacher might be quoting and some passages that contain related ideas. Our hope is that as you follow this reading plan, it will help you become more defined and directed by Scripture.

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Study Questions


The Rise of Christianity: Rodney Stark | Lydia


The Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark

The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Rosaria Butterfield | Lydia


The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield

Hospitality Sermon | Lydia


Lydia Hospitality Sermon

Background on Philippi | Lydia


Background on Philippi Thumbnail

50 Forms of Pride Article | Naaman


Large Image of Man Surrounded by Small Images of People

Journey to Jerusalem | Ezra


Journey to Jerusalem | Ezra

Chronology of Babylonian to Persian Period | Ezra


Chronology of Babylonian to Persian Period | Ezra