Legacy: Monthly Equipping Lunch

May 13, 2024

Powdersville Campus

11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Lauren Porter


Legacy—it is something that we all want to leave, but what does it mean and how do we ensure that it happens? To equip our members for this journey, we have created an all-encompassing ministry rightfully named Legacy. It is for those who are in a current season of caregiving or empty nesting and for those who want to learn how to finish well. Legacy not only provides information on relevant topics through various classes and discussions, but also helps connect people in each of these seasons to each other through fellowship and community.

We all have a circle of influence, and part of being a faithful follower of Jesus is loving others around us well. At this month's Legacy Equipping Lunch, we will discuss the topic of neighboring well and how each of us can have a fruitful impact on others in every season of life. We hope you'll join us!